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 I'm an analytical scientist (World's Top 2% Scientist Since 2020) with keen multidisciplinary research interests mainly focusing on environmental and food impacts on public health by identifying the emerging trace constituents/toxins of anthropogenic and natural origin through developing new Green Analytical Methodologies/Technologies. In my opinion, an Analytical Chemist's role is not just an 'analyst to analysis/identify problems' rather be "Solution Provider or Problem Solver" to society.

Consultant: Food/Environmental/Clinical Labs

My Favourite Quote:

“The only reason to know your limit of detection is to stay away from it.” by William Horwitz

My Favourite Role Model:

"Father of the FDA -  Harvey Washington Wiley



Current Positions (現職)

2023/08 - Present 

Full Professor (教授)

Department of Medicinal and Applied Chemistry, & PhD Program in Life Sciences,

College of Life Sciences,

Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

高雄醫學大學 醫藥暨應用化學系

2024/02 - Present 

Joint Faculty (副教授)

Department of Medical Laboratory Science and Biotechnology, College of Health Sciences,

Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

高雄醫學大學 醫學檢驗生物技術學系

2018/02 - Present 

Joint Faculty (副教授)

Ph.D. Program in Environmental and Occupational Medicine, College of Medicine,

Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

高雄醫學大學 醫學院 環境職業醫學博士學位學程

2019/08 - 2023/07

Associate Professor (副教授)

Department of Medicinal and Applied Chemistry

Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

高雄醫學大學 醫藥暨應用化學系

2024/02 - Present 

Joint Faculty (副教授)

Department of Food Science,

National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (NPUST),  Pingtung, Taiwan. 


2020/02 - Present 

Joint Faculty (副教授)

Department of Chemistry,

National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU),  Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 


2021/08 - Present 

Joint Faculty (副教授)

Program of Aquatic Science and Technology, College of Hydrosphere Science, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology (NKUST), Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

國立高雄科技大學 水圈學院水產科技產業合聘教授 

2020/02 - Present 

Research Faculty

Department of Medical Research,

Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital (KMUH), 



2017/02 - Present

Core Research Faculty- PI

Research Center for Environmental Medicine,

Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan


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2007 - 2011

PhD in Analytical Chemistry 分析化學系

Department of Chemistry,
National Chung-Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan


2012 - 2014

MBA in Marketing & Technology Management          經營管理學系

Asia University (亞洲大學) & NCHU , Taichung, Taiwan

2005 - 2007

M.Sc., in Analytical Chemistry 分析化學系

Department of Analytical Chemistry,
University of Madras, Chennai, India.



2002 - 2005

B.Sc., in Chemical Sciences 化學系

Department of Chemical Sciences,

PSG College, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, India.


2003 - 2004

DBI (Diploma in Bio-informatics)

Department of Biotechnology,

PSG College, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, India.

Journal Editorial Positions

1.  Taiwan FDA (TFDA) Cosmetic Safety -Analytical Division Reviewer (Since 2018-to date)
2.  Frontiers in Chemistry (IF:5.22) - Associate Editor (Analytical Chemistry Section) Since 2020

3.  Frontiers in Environmental Science (IF:4.58) - Review Editor for  Water and Wastewater Management - Since 2020

4. Special Issue Editor- Bioresource Technology Journal (Impact Factor-9.6) 2020.
5. Special Issue Editor3-Biotech Journal (Impact Factor – 2.8) 2021
6. Editorial Panel Member in the journal – Ecronicon Chemistry Journal (open access, UK) since 2014.
7. Editorial Board Member in the journal – Maejo International Journal of Energy and Environmental Communication since 2017.
8. Peer Reviewer in more than 40 journals since 2010.

Past Academic Positions (經歷)

2016/08 - 2019/07

Assistant Professor (助理教授)

Department of Medicinal and Applied Chemistry

Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan


2016/02 - 2016/08

Assistant Professor (助理教授)

Department of Cosmetic Sciences,

Providence University, Taichung City, Taiwan



2014/08 - 2016/02

Adjunct Assistant Professor (兼任助理教授)

Department of Cosmetic Sciences,

Providence University, Taichung City, Taiwan


Past Industrial Positions (經歷)

2014 ~ 2016

Food lab Technical-QA/QC Manager


Food Safety Testing Lab
ChiMei Inspection Tech. Co., Ltd
(ChiMei Groups of Ltd), 佳美檢驗科技-



2013 - 2014

Analytical RD Team Leader                                        (分析方法開發專任主管)

Formosa Laboratories Inc,

An API Pharmaceutical Company, Taoyuan, Taiwan,


2011 - 2013

Post-Doctoral Research Associate                                 (博士後研究員)

Department of Chemistry,
National Chung-Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan


Dr. Kumar's Nano & Green Analytical Tech Lab,

KMU, Taiwan

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