Research Interests:

Green Analytical Technology:
Design and development of novel quick green sample preparation (microextraction) techniques. (設計新穎的綠色樣品前處理發展技術)
Automation/Integration of microextraction devices/setup with chromatographic and mass spectrometric techniques. (開發線上前處理技術結合層析檢測技術)
Nano/Micro-materials to the applications towards microextraction techniques for complex samples analysis. (奈米材料及其應用分析)
Method development and Validations: HPLC-PDA/FLD/ELSD, GC-FID/ECD/MS/MS, LC-MS/MS, ICP & CV.
Applications to Food, Drug, Cosmetics, Water and Clinical Samples Analysis (食品,藥品,化妝品和水分析方法的開發和應用)
Biomarkers/Metabolites/Monitoring/Risk Assessments/Analysis (生物標誌物/代謝物/監測/風險評估/分析)
Human Biomonitoring/Environmental monitoring/Food monitoring (人體生物監控/環境監控/食品監控)

Nano/Micro-Materials Technology:
Design and development of novel Nano/Micro-Materials by green synthetic methodologies. (運用綠色合成技術來設計與開發新型奈米/微米材料)
Tuning the surface morphology/structures of nano/micro-materials for various applications. (調整奈米/微米材料的表面形態與結構以用於各種應用)
Application of Nano/Micro-Materials into emerging environmental pollutants adsorption, catalysis & degradations. (奈米/微米材料在新興環境污染物吸附、催化和劣化中之應用)
Fabrication of Electrochemical Sensors for chemical and biological analysis (研製化學和生物分析之電化學感測器)
Application of Nano/Micro-Materials into alternative energies/fuels resources like supercapacitors & batteries. (將奈米/微量材料應用於替代能源/燃料資源,如電池和超電容器)
Biomaterials and its biological applications. (生物材料和其它生物學之應用)
Biofuels (應於於生物燃料)

What we serve/contribute to the world ?!!
Some random Opinions!
What's the most basic cause of death?
Ha, you got it. It's"Life"
What're the most basic things for 'Life'?
Oh! yeah, you're right: "Air, Water & Food"
By the way, what you breath is 'Air'? or 'PM 2.5'?
What you drink is 'Water' or 'Cocktail of toxins'??
What you eat is 'Food' or 'Pesticides flavoured vittle'???
Does our research works do save lives?
Ans: No, Everybody dies one day!
– But we are trying to make our lives last a little longer and healthier by doing as an Analyst job ("Problem identifier " and "Problem Solver"). Short of solving/identifying the world’s environmental problems by being an "Analyst" (as Consumer Scene Investigation - CSI Cop) is not a bad way to spend our valuable time and energies to serve public!!!

My Favourite Book
