奈米綠能實驗室成員 (Nano & Green Analytical Lab) Group members:
試驗主持人(Principle Investigator):Dr. Kumar
博士班學生(Current PhD students in the group):7 (International students : India-4, Taiwanese-3)
碩士班學生(Current MS students in the group): 3 (Taiwanese)
大學部學生(Current BS students in the group): 4 (Taiwanese, Malaysia)
研究生助理(Lab Manager/Post-Doctoral):1 (Taiwanese)
Post-Doctoral Fellow:1 (India)
International Graduate level internship students: 6 (5-Indians, 1 Vietnam, 1-Norway)
International Bachelors level internship students: 2 (1-Belize & 1-Columbia)
Current PhD Students (7):
Uday Shashikumar Jeganathan Chinnadurai 黃正德 (Cheng-Te Huang, TED) (2th Year PhD) (2nd Year PhD) (2nd Year PhD)
Research Focus: Research Focus: Research Focus:
Nanomaterials/ Microextraction, Microextraction Techniques, Automation/Integration/3D Printing,
LC-MS/MS, Clinical/Bioanalysis LC-MS/MS, Bio-Analysis LC/GC, Cosmetics Analysis
Pravallika Chittem Reddy 胡世韜 (Steward) Sundar
(1st Year PhD) (1st Year PhD) (1st Year PhD)
Research Focus: Research Focus: Research Focus:
Microextraction Techniques, Nanomaterials/Microextraction Microextraction
HPLC/GC/MS, Bio-Analysis HPLC/GC, Environmental Analysis HPLC/GC
Current MS Students :
李冠億 Jack 王兆恩 Jhoen-En Wang (1st Year MS) (1st Year MS)
Research Focus: Research Focus:
Nanomaterials/Microextraction Microextraction
HPLC/GC, Food Analysis HPLC/GC, Environmental Analysis
Current BS Students :
林茗沬 (Jess Lin)
(4th Year BS)
Research Focus:
HPLC/GC, Food Analysis
Lab Manager/Post-Doc:
蔡沛倩 (Pei-Chien Tsai, PhD)
Research Focus:
Microextraction techniques/
Clinical Analysis/Toxicology
Dr. Kumar's Lab Alumnus
(Doctoral/PhD Degree - 5)
5. Dr. Karthikeyan Prakasham - PhD (2019~2022)
PhD Thesis title: Novel Semi-Automated In-Syringe Based Microextraction Technique Coupled with LC-
MS/MS for Rapid Monitoring of Mycotoxin in Food and Environmental Samples.
4. Dr. Swapnil Gurrani - PhD (2019~2022)
PhD Thesis title: Development of Novel Rapid Green Analytical Methodologies for Environmental, Nutraceutical and Bio-monitoring Applications
3. Revathi Gurunathan - PhD (2019~2022)
PhD Thesis title: Extremophile bacterial diversity, identification, antibiotic resistance profiling and protease characterization for industrial and medicinal applications
2. Padhmavathi Selvam - PhD (2019~2022)
PhD Thesis title: AhR-Signalling Modulates β-catenin signalling for epithelial-mesenchymal transition
1. Dr. Raghavendra Rao Pasupuleti - PhD (2017~2021)
PhD Thesis title: Novel Liquid-Phase Microextraction Techniques Coupled with LC-MS/MS for Environmental and Bio-Analysis
(Integrated/MSc Degree)
4. Maroko - B.Pham, MS (2022~2024)
MS Thesis title: Green Fast Vitamins Extraction Technique for Rapid Quantification of fat-soluble vitamins from Human Blood Samples using LC-MS/MS
3. 胡世韜 (Steward) - MS (2021~2023)
MS Thesis title: Novel PDMS-Carbon Nitride Nanomaterial coated Paper-Strip Phase Extraction Technique for Environmental Samples Analysis
2. 朱識勳 (Bill) - BS/MS (2020~2023)
MS Thesis title: Novel Boron-Carbon Nitride Nanomaterial-based Semi-Automated Magnetic-Solid Phase Extraction Technique for Environmental Water Analysis
1. 宋洋任 (Andy, Song Yang-ren) - BS/MS (2018~2020)
MS Thesis title: Novel Graphitic Carbon Nitride Nanomaterial-based Micro-Solid Phase Extraction Technique for Environmental Water Analysis
Post-Doctoral/Short-Term/Visiting Research Scholars
1. Dr. Sivarasan Ganesan, PhD - Post Doc (2020~2021)
(Former Post-Doc (2020~2021, Taiwan Scholarship Holder) and Visiting Scholar (2019~2020))
2 Kirankumar VS, PhD - Visiting Scholar (2019~2020)
(TEEP@AsiaPlus 2019 Internship Exchange/Visiting Scholar)
3. Murphin Kumar, PhD - Visiting Scholar (2018~2019)
(TEEP@AsiaPlus 2018 Internship Exchange/Visiting Scholar)
4. Muthusankar Eswaran, PhD - Visiting Scholar (2018~2019)
(TEEP@AsiaPlus 2018 Internship Exchange/Visiting Scholar)
5. Elancheziyan Mari, PhD - Visiting Scholar (2019~2020)
(TEEP@AsiaPlus 2019 Internship Exchange/Visiting Scholar)
6. Manigandan Sekar, PhD - Visiting Scholar (2019~2020)
(TEEP@AsiaPlus 2019 Internship Exchange/Visiting Scholar)
7. Manikandan Ramalingam, PhD - Visiting Scholar (2018~2019)
(TEEP@AsiaPlus 2019 Internship Exchange/Visiting Scholar)
8. Durai Govindarajan, PhD - Visiting Scholar (2018~2019)
(TEEP@AsiaPlus 2019 Internship Exchange/Visiting Scholar)
9. Sathiskumar Swamiappan, PhD - Visiting Scholar (2018~2019)
(TEEP@AsiaPlus 2019 Internship Exchange/Visiting Scholar)
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